likes and views

The 21st Century Currencies: Likes And Views

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5 Ways On How Likes and View

Transform Human Behaviour


Likes and views are some of the most important components that keep people’s eyes glued to their screens for hours on end. It has become more important how many likes and views a person gets for their TikTok video or Instagram post than what people think about others in real life. Most people go online to get attention and boost their self-esteem. In other words, social media provides people with things they miss or crave in real life. Welcome to Dopamine Nation.

Table of Contents

    Social Media, Gen Z, Likes, Views, Phone, Isolation, Society, Likes and Views, Phone, Obsession, Smombie

    Reason 1: Social Media Is The New Jungle

    “If you want to stay alive in the jungle, you must live as the jungle does.”

    John Wyndham

    Social media platforms can very well be compared to the jungle. It’s a chaotic area that never sleeps and someone could always be out to get you.

    People form packs, fight and attack others. The alpha of the pack is not the strongest, as is the case in nature, but the person with the most likes, views and a sea of followers (fake or not, seems to be secondary).

    So it seems essential to prepare and be ready for the competition. This attitude leaves people experiencing FOMO.

    • What Is FOMO? Fear Of Missing Out: FOMO describes the unpleasant feeling of not being able to participate in exciting activities involving other people you consider important. This feeling could also creep up when you have the perception other people might have a better life than you.

    Reason 2: The Survival Of The Most Popular

    If you ask teenagers or young adults in the West what their dream job is, most of them will say they want to become a social media influencer. More than 50% of Gen Z believe they have what it takes to become a full-time social media influencer. This means that they want to make a living by sharing their lives with the world.

    A normal 9-to-5 job with an average salary doesn’t seem to cut it these days. This is largely due to the rise of Instagram models and the seemingly easy way to go viral on TikTok.

    The hard truth is that this doesn’t last, especially when you consider that it’s hard to be famous and stay relevant for an extended period of time. Especially if you don’t have any special talent, traits or skills. The only family that has managed this is the Kardashians.

    For everyone else, it means they are on the outside looking in and feeling more unfulfilled than ever.

    The Kardashian Family on Barbara Walters

    Reason 3: The Area Of Procrastination

    The question that all of us should ask ourselves at some point when using and spending time on social media is the following: What am I using social media for? And what impact does it have on my life?

    Social media is a huge source of distraction and can therefore prevent individuals from successfully completing certain tasks by tempting them to use social media instead.

    However, there is no clear evidence to show why this is the case. But just the fact that your phone buzzes, you see a message and have to check what or who it is, is enough to put you off a task.

    The truth is that most people open social media and scroll mindlessly. They start consuming the content the algorithm feeds them.

    Most people use social media for:

    • Scrolling through their for-you page
    • Engage with content that they perceive to be interesting
    • Get involved in discussions and feuds in the comments section
    • View other people’s profiles
    • Like and comment on other people’s content
    • Post something themselves
    • Stay in touch with family and friends

    What purposes does social media serve you? Let me know in the comments below.

    TikTok Is Worse Than You Thought by Moon

    Reason 4: Fame and Fortune

    The pursuit of fame and fortune on the Internet seems to be firmly anchored in the minds of a large proportion of SM users.


    The reasons why people want to become famous can be very different. The most common reasons are as follows:

    • Validation and recognition: the positive feedback, likes, comments and shares serve as a form of validation and recognition and boost self-esteem.
    • Influence and impact: Some people strive for a large following to achieve more influence and impact.
    • Monetisation: Some seek out brands to partner with for sponsored content. Other popular monetization methods include earning money through advertising and affiliate marketing.
    • Social comparison: Social media often involves a degree of social comparison, where people compare themselves to others. Users often compare themselves with people they know from the past or even with their closest friends.
    • Cultural and social influences: Social values and cultural norms can play an important role. In some cultures, success and recognition are highly valued, and social media provides a platform to achieve and showcase this success.
    • Realisation of dreams: Social media offers the chance to be seen and heard worldwide, which was not so easily possible before the advent of these platforms.

    The fact that people go online and build their whole persona around their Instagram feed and TikTok videos is sometimes enough to make other people want to do the same.


    Another reason people seek their fortune on the internet is the hundreds of millions of videos with the following titles and promises you are supposed to believe in that actually work.

    social media, online, like, views, fake, clicks, click bate, dropshipping
    social media, online, like, views, fake, clicks, click bate, trading online
    social media, online, like, views, fake, clicks, click bate, affiliate marketing
    Affiliate Marketing
    social media, online, like, views, fake, clicks, click bate, online and remote jobs
    Online/Remote Job

    A minority of these videos may actually contain good advice. However, what most of them have in common is that they only serve to convey the feeling: “If they can do it, so can I“, and that they aim for clicks. The more clicks, views and likes your favorite YouTube gurus get, the more they earn.

    Your attention and desire for wealth is what pays them in the first place.

    Related Articles:

    Social Media: 5 Reasons Why We Never Seem To Be Happy

    Society: Building And Burning Bridges

    Why Creativity Is Not The Key To Success

    Reason 5: The Lack Of Real Connections

    Real human relationships give us a sense of belonging, appreciation and attention.

    Without stable relationships and important people in our lives, we automatically become more vulnerable to the shiny and promising online world.

    In recent years, our world has become more and more digitalised, allowing people to stay within their own four walls and socially distance themselves from others. The goal of some entrepreneurs is for us ALL to spend our time and lives online – hence the invention of the metaverse.

    One thing that digitalisation and the metaverse can never offer us is skin-to-skin contact. The lack of meaningful human contact is also better known as “skin hunger“.

    Skin-starved people often suffer from depression, anxiety, stress and generally poorer health.

    The remedy for this is to put down the smartphone and get outside to make and build real interpersonal relationships. This will not only make you happier but also healthier.


    The digital age has had a positive impact on humanity in so many ways. Things that mankind would never have thought possible are now taken for granted. But there are also negative aspects that come with this innovation. Our brains are wired differently, we tend to forget where we come from and what makes us human.

    In a world where anxiety and depression are constantly on the rise due to the influence of social media on our psyche, we should never forget that the antidote is to turn off the smartphone, meet up with loved ones or get some fresh air and sunshine. Think rationally about what is important to you (likes and views may not be) and how you can make social media a safer place for your mental health.

    Extra: Generation Like

    Generation Z = Generation Like

    Teens, Social Media and Technology (full documentary) FRONTLINE – Generation Like

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